Thursday, June 05, 2008

Fresh to School...

Inside Out: Ahyaan was excited about the new place...with many things to play around in the outdoor play area. He was observing the kids play and cry and roam around. He started exploring the place and wanted to play more with the beach sand and play set, when one of the teacher's had come to take all the kids in for the rhymes session. Moms had to accompany their kids there and i was beaming with pride ;-) but Mohasin had to stay back in the car:-)
In the Classroom: There he sat on the chair with his bag tightly held around his little arms and was gazing at the cartoons painted on the classroom wall. All of a sudden there was a big shriek n cry of the very smallest kiddo in the class and as expected all the other smiles waded too. They looked as if grief struck them and have been burdened by all sorrows of the world:-(
Slowly all calmed down and started to dance to the tunes of the rhymes. Interesting was when Ahu went to few kids and extended his hand for a cute HELLO, all by himself !!!
Back home: On our way home, he was describing to Mohasin on the things he saw and snacks he had. He was describing all this with his own chweet words and incomplete, struggled and formed sentences...may be all this would be difficult to hear in future when he grows up.
My baby's new beginning is all worth mentioning and sharing !!!

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